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7 Crystals For Creative Expression

Updated: Sep 22, 2023

If you've been working on being more fluid in expressing your creativity, crystals can help facilitate your creative expression.

Crystals come in various shapes and sizes and imbue different protective and healing qualities. They are a great addition to any space as their energies enhance your life and well-being.

The energetic signatures of crystals and gems help to bring harmony or, in this case, boost the creative energy within you.

Your chakras are energy centers [wheels] that are also called "vortexes" and run along your sushumna nadi [central Nadi that passes through the spinal column and extends out through the seventh chakra- your crown or Sahasrara chakra. Your chakras help you receive and transmit energy. Your second chakra, the Sacral Chakra or Svadhisthana, sits 1-2 inches below your navel. The tasks of this chakra include governing self-worth and confidence, allowing emotional and sensual movement, experiencing pleasure, the ability to go with the flow, creativity, and your ability to relate to others positively. When this center or any of your chakras are blocked, the energy that could be used will be suppressed. When your chakras are open, the energy can be expressed in a healthy way- especially your creativity.

As our psyche seeks to express itself through this chakra when in balance, you can enjoy the rhythms of life. When blocked, symptoms may include resistance to change, fear of pleasure, sexual problems, lower back and hip pain, and healthy reproductive issues.

In addition to working with your healthcare professional for sound advice, consider using the vibration of crystals to help restore yourself to a healthy balance.

When trying to stimulate an underactive sacral chakra, it's generally recommended to focus on the color orange or use crystals and gems known to activate this chakra. Other crystal options can help generate activity.

#1 - Moonstone

Moonstone is a gemstone associated with new beginnings, intuition, and the moon. It has cleansing properties and can enhance physical and subtle bodies while fostering creativity.

Benefits: helps to balance your hormones and reproductive cycles. It improves your emotional stability and emotional intelligence.

Place it under your pillow, hold it during meditation, use it as an amplifier for other crystals, or wear it close to your skin.

Cleanse or charge it by holding it over sage or burying it in the earth [soil] overnight. It can also be placed near selenite and under moonlight. It can also be placed in bath water.

#2 - Blue Lace Agate

Being calm, optimistic, and joyful aids creativity. This gem restores freedom and helps those struggling to express themselves verbally or creatively.

Benefits: Helps to open up the heart and throat chakra; ideal for setting intentions and connecting with your higher self.

Place it in a common area in your home; wear it close to your skin, especially over your heart.

Cleanse or charge it by holding it over sage or burying it in the earth [soil] overnight. It can also be placed near selenite

#3 - Green Aventurine

This stone is believed to bring good luck, increase receptivity, dissolve physical and emotional blockages, and provide clarity to the user.

Place it in the wealth corner of your home; it may affect your sleep if placed in your bedroom; wear it close to your skin or in your pocket.

Cleanse or charge it by holding it over sage or burying it in the earth [soil] overnight. It can also be placed near selenite and in the sun for a limited time.

#4 - Rose Quartz

It can charge other crystals and cleanse your aura. Promotes clarity, flexibility, self-love, and creative energy.

Benefits: Stimulates the heart chakra, dispels negative energy, and stimulates creativity.

Place: it in your bedroom or any room of the house. Wear it in jewelry over your heart or hold it near your skin. Cleanse or charge it by holding it over sage or burying it in the earth [soil] overnight. It can also be placed near selenite

#5 - Shiva Lingam

This stone represents the physical embodiment of divine masculine and feminine energy. It harmonizes both energies when placed in any environment.

Shiva, the 'destroyer' in the cosmic trinity, can help clear blockages and restore the flow of Shakti powers or creative energy. As a stone for many uses, this stone is a potent tool to assist you with channeling fearlessness and creativity.

Benefits: It awakens your kundalini energy. Therefore, it activates all other chakras and boosts vitality and prana.

Place it in your bedroom; if read that it is not recommended to have more than one of these stones in your home, however, I am not sure about this. Please do your research.

Cleanse or charge it by holding it over sage or burying it in the earth [soil] overnight. It can also be placed near selenite

#6 Citrine

This stone carries the energy of the sun. It is warming and energizing and great for enhancing creativity.

Healing Benefits: it helps balance the hormones, helps to remove fatigue, and activates the sacral chakra

Place it in the wealth corner of your home or wear it in jewelry or close to your skin.

Cleanse or charge it by holding it over sage or burying it in the earth [soil] overnight. It can also be placed near selenite

#7 Carnelian

As a fiery gemstone, carnelian helps to remove lethargy and generate warmth and relaxation. It is considered the 'ginseng' of the gems. Carnelian stimulates and energizes the sexual organs and enhances confidence and assertiveness.

Healing Benefits: Stimulates metabolism and activates the base chakra & reproductive organs.

Place it near the front door for protection, wear this stone in a belt buckle, or meditate directly on your skin.

Cleanse or charge it by holding it over sage or burying it in the earth [soil] overnight. It can also be placed near selenite.

Consider asking yourself what situation(s) have caused you to withdraw your senses. As you rethink the experience, is it something that is currently happening? If not, how can you invite more opportunities to express yourself right now?

Consider the following affirmations:

  • I create

  • I embrace joy

  • I honor my creativity, and it flows effortlessly

  • I allow life to flow through me

Crystals do not heal you. They encourage the energy within you to do what it does naturally. Therefore, crystals are tools to tap into the abundance of source energy effectively. The stream is always there. However, life experiences can affect our receptivity. For that reason, working with crystals can be a helpful addition to your current self-care practices for bringing harmony with nature using natural forces.

If you want to read about more crystals, read this post.

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Anusa is an avid reader and loves to write. When she is not studying, or talking about astrology you can find her out and about in NYC with her family. 

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