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How Our Emotions Impact Financial Decision Making


Making financial decisions is a complex process that is influenced by a variety of factors, including our emotions. In this article, we will explore the profound impact that our emotions have on our financial decision making. By understanding how our emotions can either hinder or help us in making sound financial choices, we can take steps to improve our financial well-being.

The Role of Emotions in Financial Decision Making

Emotions and Risk Tolerance

Our emotions play a significant role in shaping our risk tolerance, which is our willingness to take on financial risks. Fear, for instance, can make us more risk-averse, causing us to avoid investment opportunities that could potentially yield high returns. On the other hand, overconfidence fueled by positive emotions may lead to excessive risk-taking, potentially resulting in financial losses.

Emotions and Impulsive Spending

Emotions can also influence our spending behavior. When we are feeling happy or excited, we may be more prone to engage in impulsive spending, disregarding our long-term financial goals. Conversely, during periods of sadness or stress, we may seek comfort through retail therapy, leading to emotional spending that can strain our finances.

Emotions and Investment Decisions

When it comes to investment decisions, emotions can cloud our judgment and lead to irrational choices. Greed and fear are two powerful emotions that can heavily influence investment behavior. Greed may push us to chase unrealistic gains, causing us to make speculative investments without proper research. Fear, on the other hand, can prompt us to sell our investments prematurely, leading to missed opportunities for growth.

Strategies to Mitigate Emotional Influence

Self-awareness and Emotional Regulation

Developing self-awareness is crucial in recognizing how our emotions affect our financial decision making. By understanding our emotional triggers, we can better regulate our responses and avoid making impulsive choices. Taking a step back and objectively assessing the situation can help us make more rational decisions.

Seeking Professional Advice

Consulting with a financial advisor can provide a valuable perspective and guidance. A financial professional can offer an objective viewpoint, helping to counterbalance our emotional biases and providing us with a more informed approach to financial decision making.

Setting Clear Financial Goals

Establishing clear financial goals can help us stay focused and make more rational decisions. When we have a defined plan, we are less likely to be swayed by impulsive emotions. Regularly reviewing and adjusting our goals can help us stay on track and make financial decisions aligned with our long-term objectives.


Emotions are an integral part of our lives, and their impact on our financial decision making should not be underestimated. By recognizing the influence of our emotions, practicing self-awareness, and adopting strategies to mitigate their negative effects, we can make more informed and rational financial choices. Taking control of our emotions and aligning them with our financial goals can lead to greater financial well-being and a more secure future.

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Anusa is an avid reader and loves to write. When she is not studying, or talking about astrology you can find her out and about in NYC with her family. 

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