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Which Goddess Archetype Are You

Updated: Aug 2, 2023

A Goddess is the feminine expression of the Divine. She is the primordial mother archetype from which all expressions of her energy flow. She has a wide range of temperaments, powers, and transformative abilities.

*Note: Goddess and archetype are used interchangeably within this post.

What Are Archetypes

The word archetype is derived from the Latin word 'archetypum' which means model type or prototype. The Western perspective of 'archetype' was coined by Swiss Psychiatrist Carl Jung discovered that archetypes are patterns of behavior.

Archetypes are personas. We all have multiple personas or faculties of our spirit responsible for different areas of our life. For example, you are a different version or function as a particular persona when carrying out tasks at work compared to when you are home or among friends.

The Power of The Goddess

"Goddess" in Greek mythology, is commonly used when discussing the feminine aspect of creative energy.

There are goddesses or feminine representations of the mother principle in every culture. I am more familiar with the Kemetian and Hindu pantheon I'm focusing on those here.

Each goddess has a signature power, that can be used for restorative purposes. Along with their shakti- the power that enlivens from within, they have signature objects or tools, tantra, mantras, yantras, epithets, and vices. They are also commonly associated with a masculine counterpart that reflects the polarizing of yin and yang energies.

We have latent energy within that can be stimulated through understanding and embodying a particular goddess. Through meditation with the attributes of the Goddess. So you will need to identify what archetype is more active within you and which archetype can help you realize what you wish to manifest more of in your life by building up that energy within.

Why You Need The Goddess

The power of the goddess is needed because there is a separation between the divine masculine and feminine. This separation has caused a collective wounding that can only be reversed when you consciously use her power to move toward divine union. Unless and until that happens feminine energy will continue to be suppressed, out of order, and more active in her shadow side.

Do We Choose Our Goddess Archetypes?

Based on what we are here to learn our genetic coding and spiritual growth thus far has predisposed us to a particular dominant archetype or persona that we mostly identify with. However, you can choose to activate different archetypes. And in some cases when a change is necessary a specific archetype that needs to come online will reveal itself to you. When I was learning about archetypes I saw totems repeatedly and then was led to research it. At other times the goddess herself would appear in a dream.

In practice, we are magnetically drawn to experiences that are meant to help us express these energies. When we engage with others we either reinforce or minimize a specific archetype, as we seek balance through the opposite archetype. For example, a mother needs someone to nurture just like a fighter needs someone or a cause to fight.

Many archetypal energies overlap. You will see this in the correspondence below. You will also see the two sides of the same coin because archetypes have a 'light' and a 'shadow' side. At times the shadow side is more operational as a protective mode. Once rejuvenation occurs, a subtler version of the goddess will appear. In any case, each goddess must be held in the highest respect and regard so that her energy can manifest in a healing way.

Disclaimer: Do not force anything you are not ready for as you can suffer physical and psychological afflictions especially if you have a history of mental illness or may be susceptible to psychic attack. This post is for educational purposes only.

The Gift of Co-Creation

The reflective questions and journal prompts below can help you discover more about where you are and how to move forward. Invoke your power- your inner goddess by energizing that which is dormant in you so you can maximize your potential in all areas.

So which goddess archetype are you?

1. The Mother Archetype

Selfless. Compassion. Nourishment.

The mother is your first God.

  • The light she is a life giver [in all ways], provides sustenance [not just food but spiritual nourishment & emotional support] and is selfless, compassionate, emotionally available, and responsible. She is driven by a maternal urge to support and protect those in need through her care and devotion. You do not have to be a mother in the physical sense to work with this energy because children are your children.

  • The shadow fears vulnerability or not being needed, can struggle with controlling her emotions, be rigid in her ways, lack healthy boundaries, and maybe co-dependent, wrathful, or, destructive

Reflect: Were you the eldest child? Were you expected to be responsible for your sibling(s)? Did you take on a caregiver role for a parent at a young age due to illness, vices, etc?

Journal: In what ways can you nurture the relationship with your mother? How can you improve the way that you nurture yourself?

Invoke the Mother Archetype to nurture your relationship with yourself, parent, child, or others back to life.

Correspondence: Nut, Auset, Yemeya, Tara, Parvati, Quan Yin, Pachamama, Sita

2. The Queen Archetype

Grounded. Confident. Leader.

The Queen doesn't demand respect- still, she is respected.

  • The light side is benevolent, grounded, and royal, she is strength and femininity combined, and she is the original influencer

  • The shadow side fears chaos, losing control, can be ego-based or shallow, indecisive, easily influenced, or vindictive

What wounding may have caused blocks in this expression of this energy?

Reflect: How do you balance femininity AND masculinity through this archetype? How can you lead from your connection to the Supreme and less from ego?

Journal: How can you show up more consistently for yourself?

Invoke the Queen Archetype to embody leadership through softer qualities.

Correspondence: Maat, Bhuvaneshvari

3. The Lover Archetype

Magnetic. Creative. Beauty

The feminine archetype of the lover is magnetic, sensual, and creative. The key lesson for this archetype is to balance pleasure with reality.

  • The light side is confident, uses sexual energy for creativity, sees beauty in all things, uplifts other women, and supports the relationships of others

  • The shadow side, fears being alone, can struggle with a deep connection to self or, can be manipulative, seeks external validation, is possessive, and has addictive tendencies to people, places, and things

What wounding may have caused blocks in this expression of this energy?

Reflect: How do you balance femininity and masculinity through this archetype? Do you attract partners similar to the nature of the relationships with your parents i.e. emotionally or physically available? Did you feel like you had to compete for the love and attention of a parent, caregiver, or later in life a lover?

Journal: How can you see the Divine in everything?

Invoke the Lover Archetype for falling in love with the divine.

Correspondence: Het- Heru, Oshun, Aphrodite, Rodha, Mohini, Lalita

4. The Priestess

Mystic. Intuitive. Wise Woman.

The priestess is the medicine woman in the clan. She knows is highly intuitive and knows the language of the universe.

  • The light side is calm, and deeply attuned to her own needs and the needs of others without absorbing their pain, serves others as she is well-versed in the healing arts and transformation, takes healthy vows to attain higher states of consciousness, and wisdom

  • The shadow side is blocked from intuition, forces her beliefs on others, uses her gifts for the wrong reasons, and can be isolated, or cold

What wounding may have caused blocks in this expression of this energy?

Reflect: What was your earliest experience of mysticism? Were you raised in an environment where Spiritual practices were openly shared or discussed? Did you grow up with different beliefs from your family and other families i.e. maybe your family was vegan before anyone else knew what that was? Did you prefer to spend a lot of time alone, with animals, or in nature?

Journal: How can you reconnect to the cycles of nature?

Invoke the Mystic Archetype to cultivate peace in your experiences.

Correspondence: Auset, Het-Heru

5. The Warrior Archetype

Protector. Action Oriented. Fiery

The warrior archetype is an advocate and the 'doer' in the group. She is about actively creating change and not just talking about it.

  • The light side is lively, confident, socially active, knows where to focus, has a zest for life, is passionate about protecting the rights of others, or not afraid to take risks

  • The shadow side fears being powerless and can struggle with being hot-tempered, argumentative, overbearing, instigating, or rebelling just because she can

What wounding may have caused blocks in this expression of this energy?

Reflect: Were you raised in an environment where you did not feel safe? Did you have to fight bullies, siblings, or other family members? Did you have a strict upbringing- now you refuse to answer to anyone or follow rules? Do you get a thrill out of going against the grain?

Journal: Where do you need to reclaim your power?

Invoke the Warrior Archetype to overcome fears and purge tendencies of the ego.

Correspondence: Sekhmet, Oya, Kali, Durga, Devi, Chinnamasta, Lakini

6. The Intellectual Archetype

Student of life. Bookish. Adept.

The intellectual prefers mental stimulation over anything else.

  • The light side pursues knowledge for the sake of understanding herself, applies what she learns, and assists others with integrity

  • The shadow side can be condescending, overcritical, struggle with using wisdom to make sense of information, may want to be the smartest person in the room, & play mind games

Reflect: Were you raised in a space where you could express your thoughts or feelings? Did you prefer books instead of social interaction? Why? Is your worth tied to how much you know why? What wounding may have caused blocks in this expression of this energy?

Journal: Where do you need to be more flexible in your life i.e. make time for play, socializing, or relaxation?

Invoke the Intellectual Archetype to understand spiritual texts and to share ideas effectively.

Correspondence: Seshat, Saraswati, Tara

7. The Guru

Guide. Spiritual Teacher. Oneness

The Guru is a conduit for change and supports others in their journey to liberation.

  • The light side is the wise woman in the community, and a respected guide, mentor, or teacher for others to tap into their wisdom through the source. She is devoted to growth, insightful, embodies love, and knows that spirit is in all living things

  • The shadow side can be arrogant, reckless with spiritual powers, misguided and misguides others, may have double standards, may be separative, or judgmental

What wounding may have caused blocks in this expression of this energy?

Reflect: Were you groomed to follow a family tradition of doctors, lawyers, etc but you were more interested in figuring out the mysteries of the universe? Were you sensitive to the suffering of others before you could articulate it and wanted to understand why suffering even exist?

Journal: What emotional pain do you need to surrender? How can you be a better guide for others?

Invoke the Guru Archetype by sitting with yourself in meditation. Allow the awareness of who you are to give you clarity.

Correspondence: Saraswati, Seshat, Dhumavati, Matangi

Conscious. Wisdom. Disciplined

The Empress embodies all of the collective archetypes. She knows it.

  • The light side is the mother, the Queen, the teacher, etc. She knows how to stay calm in any situation and when to withdraw, knows that her presence has influence, and carries herself accordingly. She knows when to call her energy back to her and when to go with the flow

  • Her shadow side can be reckless with spiritual powers and places her energy in the wrong things. She may be quarrelsome, unpredictable, cold, and calculating

What wounding may have caused blocks in this expression of this energy?

Reflect: When did you realize you identified with this archetype the most? What experiences shaped you that helped you turn your experiences into wisdom? Did you grow up in an environment where you felt supported? Were you encouraged to ask questions and explore? Are you willing to create the environment that you want to thrive in?

Journal: How can you remind yourself to be present in times of uncertainty?

Invoke the Empress Archetype to forgive the past and embrace the present.

Correspondence: Saraswati, Seshat, Auset

In Conclusion

You have the potential to create the inner conditions to bring any of these archetypes online in their highest qualities. Allow yourself to embrace different forms of healing and let nature and your inner goddess guide you.

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Anusa is an avid reader and loves to write. When she is not studying, or talking about astrology you can find her out and about in NYC with her family. 

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